Exam Link - http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/f/YourName-CourseName-Fall08Exam.doc
How can you quickly and effectively solve problems?
Quick Simple Problems
- How did it go last class?
- Did you get problems solved?
- How could you do it better this time?
Make a QuickSimpleProblemCard
Use the Quick Simple Problem process to identify and solve as many problems as you can in one period. Use the card to keep track of the problems, and identify future problems you will need to solve.
In your online documentation, write about how the process of using Quick Simple Problems is working for you.
- How can you be more effective working with Quick Simple Problems?
- How can you break down larger problems into smaller ones using the Quick Simple Problems process?
Hand In
At the end of the period, hand in:
- your QuickSimpleProblemCard
- Your reflection including two paragraphs answering the questions above
How can you quickly and effectively solve problems?
Quick Simple Problems
- How did it go last class?
- Did you get problems solved?
- How could you do it better this time?
Make a QuickSimpleProblemCard
Use the Quick Simple Problem process to identify and solve as many problems as you can in one period. Use the card to keep track of the problems, and identify future problems you will need to solve.
In your online documentation, write about how the process of using Quick Simple Problems is working for you.
- What was it like working with Quick Simple Problems?
- What are some other problems you could use this process for?
Hand In
At the end of the period, hand in:
- your QuickSimpleProblemCard
- Your reflection including two paragraphs answering the questions above
What is the simplest thing that you can test that will help you on your project?
Write a description of how you would choose something easy to test, form an idea of what to test, test it and evaluate the results.
Identify several quick simple problems that you can work on. Cycle through them as quickly as you can. See how many you can solve in one period. If you run out, identify more Quick Simple Problems you can solve on your way towards your larger project goal. Don't get bogged down in complexity.
What are your in class goals/plans for the week?
Follow your plan.
If you have external dependencies or other problems, speak up!
Work your plan
- What have you done on your project?
- What do you need to do on your project?
- What do you need for your project?
Student Union Tinkerers workshop series
Looking for high school mentors
Duxtech Club
Interested in having a workshop on the vinyl cutter next week?
Monday works best.
Need: a plan, possible participants, publicity
- Each person needs to have a plan of his or her own.
- You need to make adjustments to your plan.
- Add an update on what you are doing on the project during class.
- You should not drag the planning process out for an entire period.
- every person must hav a product they are responsible for creating.
- Timelines need to be adjusted
- Products need to be clarified
- Use the format below to organize your plan
- You need to be able to explain how your actions relate to your plan at all times in class.
Plans for Robotics
- What is the overall goal? One sentence should sum it up.
- Describe the goal in greater detail. This should be a paragraph.
- What are the deadlines? A list with descriptions is fine.
- What skills, techniques, materials, sto and tools do you currently have that will be useful on the project? A bulleted list with descriptions should work.
- What skills, techniques, materials and tools do you need or will be useful on the project? A bulleted list with descriptions should work.
- How will you be able to show the progress of your project?
- How will you be able to know if you have met your goal? A paragraph would be good.
- How can we show your work when it is done?
Student Union Tinkering Workshops
Looking for high school mentors
Duxtech Club
Interested in having a workshop on the vinyl cutter next week?
Monday works best.
Need: a plan, possible participants, publicity
Project Planning
Working your plan
What is your plan?
You should have an online version of your plan. It should be publicly visible by the end of this period. Print a copy of it and hand it in for a grade.
The plan is there to help you focus on doing independent work and getting the assistance you need. The plan helps you work towards a goal, not to move away from things you don't want. The plan helps you work towards YES. If you need help, supplies, advice, you need to ask for it. you should be able to explain how your needs and activities fit in to your overall plan. Our discussions should be centered around getting your goals and plan achieved.
Don't have a plan?
If you do not have a plan, we will develop a group plan that a number of people can participate in. There are many possiblities, we will choose a path this period and follow it through. If at some later time, you develop a plan that you would like to work towards, we can negotiate that into your classroom activities.
Project Planning
To work most effectively, it is important that you set out a plan early on.
Good project plans take many forms.
The plan is there to help you to focus on the important tasks.
If parts of the plan become unrealistic, then the plan must be modified to relect changes in technique, supplies, time and other advances or setbacks.
Below are some features of the planning that should help you form this document.
Think in terms of by thanksgiving, by christmas and by the end of the term for the calendar.
The plan must be typewritten and saved online for later use.
Plans evolve, but should be clear enough that they don't have to be thrown out.
Wiki, blog and other online tools are great for this kind of project.
Plans for programming
- What is the overall goal? One sentence should sum it up.
- Describe the goal in greater detail. This should be a paragraph.
- What are the deadlines? A list with descriptions is fine.
- What skills, techniques, materials, sto and tools do you currently have that will be useful on the project? A bulleted list with descriptions should work.
- What skills, techniques, materials and tools do you need or will be useful on the project? A bulleted list with descriptions should work.
- How will you be able to show the progress of your project?
- How will you be able to know if you have met your goal? A paragraph would be good.
- How can we show your work when it is done?
Reflections on the term
Looking Forward
Consciousness of time
A CommunityOfLearners
Timeline of Fall Semester
Processing is a language that is a lot like java and c/c++ in many ways.
The project listed below encourages people to learn and use processing to make a monster sprite.
Reflection on the term that was
Write a reflection about the term that has just ended. Print two copies, one to hand in, and one to bring to your parents. Write in positive, affirmative language.
Answer all questions:
- What was the most useful thing you learned this past term?
- What could you personally have done to make the class operate more smoothly?
- What are you excited to learn in class?
- What community issues are important to you?
- What grade do you believe you deserve and why?
- If this were the last meeting of the class, what positive thing would you remember?
Some links that relate to the work we have done and will do:
A CommunityOfLearners
Timeline of Fall Semester
Programming Projects
Students may run the discussion
Introductions All around
Explain what you have been working on
Programming projects
Intro to programming for DHS students
People in class should work in small groups to
Work up a plan for how to show a group of students how to program.
Design a project that can be done by these students next week.
Test the project, and have it ready to demonstrate to high school students next week.
Continue with your personal projects
Programming for other subjects
How can you use programming to increase people's awareness of another subject?
Some ideas:
- Math
- English
- Foriegn Language
- Science
Maker Faire
Mr. Connors will be at Maker Faire in Texas until next Tuesday.
What are the expectations?
- Students
- The substitute
- Mr. Connors
Project for this week:
What are the most common parts of the computer programs that you have made?
- How can we show this information to the community?
- What physical products will help illustrate these ideas?
- What words, spoken and online will help illustrate these ideas?
- What resources online will help illustrate these ideas?
People in class should work in small groups to
Work up a plan for how to show a group of students how to program.
Design a project that can be done by these students next week.
Test the project, and have it ready to demonstrate next week.
Continue with your personal projects
Programming for other subjects
How can you use programming to increase people's awareness of another subject?
Some ideas:
- Math
- English
- Foriegn Language
- Science
Where can we publicly post our goals for the month and semester?
Scratch game that we all add to?
Documentation of ideas in the class
What can we do to record the facts we find?
What is more important, facts or process?
How can we leave a record of what we find and do?
What can we do to measure the information that people have learned in class?
What questions can we provide for the end of course exam?
Make a tutorial?
In class projects
Add your work to the gallery of the semester's work
Presentation to other people outside of class
Who would be the audience?
What would we do?
When should we do it?
robo Girl, creepy or incredible? http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1777667.ece
Where can we publicly post our goals for the month and semester?
Documentation of ideas in the class
What can we do to record the facts we find?
What is more important, facts or process?
How can we leave a record of what we find and do?
What can we do to measure the information that people have learned in class?
What questions can we provide for the end of course exam?
In class projects
Lets set up a presentation system so people can show the work they have done so far
Add your work to the gallery of the semester's work
Presentation to other people outside of class
Who would be the audience?
What would we do?
When should we do it?
Where can we publicly post our goals for the month and semester?
Documentation of ideas in the class
What can we do to record the facts we find?
What is more important, facts or process?
How can we leave a record of what we find and do?
What can we do to measure the information that people have learned in class?
What questions can we provide for the end of course exam?
In class projects
Lets set up a presentation system so people can show the work they have done so far
Presentation to other people outside of class
Who would be the audience?
What would we do?
When should we do it?
Where can we publicly post our goals for the month and semester?
Documentation of ideas in the class
What can we do to record the facts we find?
What is more important, facts or process?
How can we leave a record of what we find and do?
What can we do to measure the information that people have learned in class?
What questions can we provide for the end of course exam?
In class projects
As we work on projects, how can we keep each other from Project Hopping?
Project Hopping is when a person gets into a project, then finds it difficult and starts up another project. When this gets out of control, it can lead to lots of busted stuff and not much to show for it.
October presentation
How can we present our work for the month of October?
DHS, DMS, Duxbury community?
What would we show?
Looking for student leaders link
Goals - hand in
Timeline of the semester: http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/TimelineOfFallSemester
Personal Goals for semester
What do you want for the semester?
What do you want for the next milestone?
Thinking Outside the Class
How can we use online resources for sharing information?
All online resources should be used only for the course subject inside class.
How can this be recognized and evaluated?
Program project
Thinking Outside the Class
- What can you do outside the class that will add to our knowledge?
- How can this effort be meaningful and recognizable?
- Wiki or other online format?
- Facebook group?
- Youtube channel?
- Flickr group?
- Scratch site
Look at the timeline of the semester: http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/TimelineOfFallSemester
Personal Goals for semester
What do you want for the semester?
What do you want for the next milestone?
Open House
What have we done this month?
- Presentation of course work so far
- Subject specific information parents can read/take home.
- Physical products parents can see easily
Thinking Outside the Class
- What can you do outside the class that will add to our knowledge?
- How can this effort be meaningful and recognizable?
- Wiki or other online format?
- Facebook group?
- Youtube channel?
- Flickr group?
- Scratch site
Open house prep
What can we show of our work so far?
Goals for the semester
- What do we need to form our goals?
- How can our goals be publicly visible?
Thinking Outside the Class
- What can you do outside the class that will add to our knowledge?
- How can this effort be meaningful and recognizable?
Resource Management
What do we need in the room?
What don't we need?
What do we need more of?
How can excess materials be disposed of appropriately?
Semester Timeline
Did you do this for homework?
Click Here to take survey
MIT Swapfest this sunday
Take the survey this weekend for homework
Closure on Quick Program
What did you learn?
What was fun?
What was frustrating?
How can we keep everybody in the same ideas?
What do we need in the room?
What don't we need?
What do we need more of?
How can excess materials be disposed of appropriately?
Next project:
Do for homework:
Click Here to take survey
Scholarship opportunity
How did it go?
What was frustrating? Fun?
What were the facts?
How could we extend the idea by adding more time and requirements?
Check out the possibilities!
Programming ideas
What do we want to know?
As a group, we pick the items most commonly held
and the other items we could work towards
These subjects will be placed visibly in the room so we can refer back to them during the semester.
Have you done the survey yet?
Deadline for getting a grade:
Link to survey: link
External Expectations
Who else has a stake in what we learn in this class?
Make a group list
What should we ask them?
Make three questions as a group.
Hardware Retrieval
We need to gather some hardware from room 234.
These materials may be what we use this semester.
Cart, elevator key, quiet in the hall, stuff like that.
Review of Friday's work
External expectations
How are you expected to behave in class?
Individual and group work:
- What are you interested in learning in this course?
- What expectations do you have about this course?
Process for this:
Work individually - Written on paper
Share with another individual in pairs - Written on paper
Share with the group
We will need a scribe to record the results of this discussion.
Do this survey at home:
Here is the link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=3_2f_2bUQ7nwCYoYMcifUhCZkw_3d_3d
Safety form hand in.
Questions about Computers
What is a Computer Program?
What are Programmed Qualities?
How can we organize and classify the above answers?
Program a Person
Welcome Back!
Housekeeping stuff
Safety forms, grading policy, rules
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